How to reach SWU
Train and Flight Ticket Booking
If you need the international office / International College to help booking train ticket airline tickets, please contact the teacher. Tel: 68367059
If you want to book train tickets online, please visit the following Web site:
For online booking air tickets, please access the following website:
Chongqing City Traffic
There are many bus routes in Beibei District, which make traveling quite easy. Paying a fixed fare of one Yuan, you can reach anywhere in urban Beibei.
Please make sure to stand firmly on the bus. Always keep your seatbelt fasten when taking a taxi, especially on the highway, pay more attention to traffic safety. In order to avoid loss, special attention should be paid to your credentials and property when traveling,
If you want to go urban area of Chongqing, take the bus 502 at Beibei bus station.
It is very easy to take a taxi in Beibei. Generally, taxi services are available day and night. Fares will be charged according to mileage traveled at 1.20-2.00 Yuan per km (labeled on both sides of the rear windscreen of the vehicle). The general starting price is fare for 3 km, and proper extra fee will be charged for customer waiting, night driving and empty returning.
On the Taxi roof there is a “TAXI” sign light; above the car’s dashboard you may find a information card with the driver's photo, name, company and telephone on it for supervision. An "empty" (FOR HIRE) sign is placed on the front wind glass of the taxi. When you get out of the car, an invoice will be printed; you'd better keep the invoice, just in case there are problems, the invoices can help you to contact the taxi or its company.